Our family has more than 50 years of experience in renting apartments, therfore we could say it is a family tradition.

It all started when our grandmother Iva started hosting first guests in 1964. In that time those were families from Austria and then Czechoslovakia!

And yes, it really was literally as it is stated on many old signs still today: Zimmer frei. Which meant that during the summer, she dedicated a certain room in the house to a guest show. It was kind of self-evident that they shared a bathroom at the time. As well as some breakfast for the guests, it was not difficult for Grandma to prepare anything.

Those days are over, you can expect your own bathroom when staying with us ;)

Najem apartmaja v Izoli

Apartmaje v Izoli oddamo, lahko le za kratek oddih ali pa za kvaliteten tedenski popust. Naši apartmaji v Izoli so v celoti prenovljeni in namenjeni kvalitetnemu preživljanju vaših počitnic. Proste termine lahko takoj preverite s klikom na želeni apartma. Vsak naš apartma ima objavljen in ažuriran koledar z označenimi zasedeni dnevi. Za več informacij smo vedno na voljo na objavljenem mailu ali telefonu. Rezervirajte svoj termin pred začetkom sezone, akontacijo v višini 30% vam v primeru višje sile v celoti povrnemo.