Dear guests,

we would like to inform you that just few days ago, the renovation of 3 apartment building was finished.
We can now proudly present our exceptional location as the old building vicinity is just 100 meters to the sea..


The renovation was exhausting and took place under the precise instructions of young architects who knew how to arrange a large love nest from a small space. Of course, they are enthusiastic about what they saw, but first and foremost happier owners that they will finally be able to rest a bit and take a day or two off ... Take a vacation and visit us in Izola, which is even more beautiful at this time.

Najem apartmaja v Izoli

Apartmaje v Izoli oddamo, lahko le za kratek oddih ali pa za kvaliteten tedenski popust. Naši apartmaji v Izoli so v celoti prenovljeni in namenjeni kvalitetnemu preživljanju vaših počitnic. Proste termine lahko takoj preverite s klikom na želeni apartma. Vsak naš apartma ima objavljen in ažuriran koledar z označenimi zasedeni dnevi. Za več informacij smo vedno na voljo na objavljenem mailu ali telefonu. Rezervirajte svoj termin pred začetkom sezone, akontacijo v višini 30% vam v primeru višje sile v celoti povrnemo.